This is to inform you that from 2nd February 2016, the law and regulations regarding Permanent Residency have been amended and will be in force as from Monday, 08/02/2016. In general terms, the changes are the following:
This is to inform you that from 2nd February 2016, the law and regulations regarding Permanent Residency have been amended and will be in force as from Monday, 08/02/2016. In general terms, the changes are the following:
1. The Civil Registry and Migration Department will stop stamping the passports with the Immigration Permanent Residency sticker and they will issue a card instead.
2. The presence of the applicant and his family members to obtain the immigration (PR) permit is required, in order to give their biometric features (fingerprints and photograph) as well as their signatures.
3. A new application form has been issued in replacement of the previous form M67
4. Any applicant who has submitted an application for obtaining an immigration permit, the examination of which will still be pending on the 8.2.2016, must, within 60 days, submit an additional application.