
What is Security Management?

Why Should You Consider Employing A Security Advisor Or Family Office Security Department? A corporate security leader will strategically secure a business by pulling together all their specialists in physical security, cyber and information security, legal, reputational and business movers and shakers to ensure a devastating event does not prevent operations or lose investor confidence…

What is security management and why should you consider employing a security advisor or family office security department

In Sep 16, I was admitted to the register of Chartered Security Professionals and earned the post nominals “CSyP”. As with Chartered accountants, Chartered Engineers and Surveyors, the academic bar is set very high (Master’s Degree) and the vocational competencies are tested to extreme lengths. During my final stage interview, I was asked to explain why I am worthy of admittance to the register that would place me amongst the top 103 Security professionals in the UK and the only one dedicated to Family Offices.

I do not work as the others do, in a corporate security management role, but I do perform the same service. Enterprise Risk Management…not applied to a business empire, but allocated to the family that more often than not, started or owns a business empire.

At Eden, we recruit security managers with vast vocational experience, enhanced by academic study and continuous professional development. The aim is to provide a manager who commands respect, can influence co- workers and will apply enterprise risk management to the family group.

What is Enterprise risk management? Well this is what I told my interviewers…..

A corporate security leader will strategically secure a business by pulling together all their specialists in physical security, cyber and information security, legal, reputational and business movers and shakers to ensure a devastating event does not prevent operations or lose investor confidence. Terms such as convergence security forms a dyadic response between IT security (against hackers/ Malware) and physical security preventing physical access to hardware (that may facilitate manual IP theft or downloading malware directly into the system). The influence comes in convincing the C Suite that the expense of all the above is cost effective considering the devastating effect of an attack that stops business!

A Family security advisor performs the same role on a personal level! The Chairman/ woman of the corporation may work from home and therefore their home IT security should be secured as effectively as their office. The physical security of their home protects the assets and people within….Their own family! Executive protection, residential security team, travel advice and employee screening/ selection are all relevant in the same manner as the corporation they lead.

A multi- generational family group that employs a security manager will benefit immensely from the relationship built with a true security leader that protects them, their family and everything they hold dear. By proxy, the reputation of the business will also be protected because any private security breach highlighted in the media will have an effect on the business and its share value. God forbid, if the CEO of a business dies suddenly (including murder), the effect on investor wealth is catastrophic. A survey conducted in the USA by Professor Quigley, quoted in the Wall Street Journal found that companies experiencing an unexpected Principal death between 1980 and 2008 saw an average 5.6% swing in stock price on the day following the announcement, and a more pronounced 14.6% average swing 30 trading days out (Quigley 2013).

If you wish to consider the allocation of a family security advisor or family office security department, please speak to me. Rick@edenprivatestaff.com 0207471 6000