The real estate market in Cyprus has evolved over the years. Like many other cities in the world Limassol and Paphos have their share of ugly buildings built in the seventies. The good news that there is a new generation…
Cyprus and Greece which are struggling following economic bailouts are looking to attract investors from the UAE. Leptos Group, a property firm investing in Cyprus and Greece for five decades has moved to Dubai to serve the quickly growing demand for…
Turkey is planning to offer citizenship to Saudi investors, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said here on Sunday. He was addressing the first consultative meeting of the G20 business sector at the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI).
St Lucia is continuing to consider the possibility of implementing an economic citizenship programme, an idea broached last year. A task force set up last August recently completed a report on the feasibility of setting up what it’s calling a “Global…
Up to nine investors based in the Gulf have so far signed up a property development scheme in Miami that offers the chance to earn US citizenship in return for a minimum investment $500,000, with dozens more expected to join…
The deadline for passport re-issuance has been extended to March 31, 2015. All active St. Kitts & Nevis passports issued between January 2012, and July 2014, that are missing “Place of Birth” and “Name Change”, must be returned to an applicable…
Beginning on Wednesday, Canada will accept 500 immigrant applications from millionaires and their families who can invest at least $2 million in the country. The new Venture Capital program replaces an old one critics dubbed the “cash for citizenship” program…
Government data shows 162 Russians were granted U.K. investor visas in the first nine months of the year. That’s already surpassed the total issued in 2013, and compares to 96 granted over the same period last year. The permits were…